It’s tradition at Ideafarms to wish you New Year’s in style. Every year we try to better ourselves by bringing out a fun, playful, sometimes serious greeting encapsulating all that has happened in the world in the year gone by. In the process also give you a flavor of our “Ideafarming“.
This time was different. We kept thinking on end. Many crushed-sheets-in-the-bin later (thankfully our iPads and laptops were spared the embarrassment) … we drew a blank! Here’s what we ended up with – a New Year Resolution if you please.
We’d like to KiSS for you.
Will you give us the chance to? 😉
And that’s our wish too.
Because it’s our only chance to survive the onslaught of technology. Design will pave the way and save the day.
On Agenda 2014 there’s #DESi “Design Entrepreneurship for Social impact.” Forging partnerships to power underserved sectors.
“Openness, Empowerment, Inclusiveness and Knowledge Sharing” powered by Web 2.0, espousing principles of #Macrowikinomics
Come join us to ‘reboot business and the world’.