It’s tradition at Ideafarms to wish you New Year’s in style. Every year we try to better ourselves by bringing out a fun, playful, sometimes serious greeting encapsulating all that has happened in the world in the year gone by. In the process also give you a flavor of our “Ideafarming“.
This time was different. We kept thinking on end. Many crushed-sheets-in-the-bin later (thankfully our iPads and laptops were spared the embarrassment) … we drew a blank! Here’s what we ended up with – a New Year Resolution if you please.
We’d like to KiSS for you.
Will you give us the chance to?
There’s a band,
there’s an act of affection
and then there’s a principle of design.
And that’s our wish too.
Because it’s our only chance to survive the onslaught of technology. Design will pave the way and save the day.
On Agenda 2014 there’s #DESi “Design Entrepreneurship for Social impact.” Forging partnerships to power underserved sectors.
“Openness, Empowerment, Inclusiveness and Knowledge Sharing” powered by Web 2.0, espousing principles of #Macrowikinomics
Come join us to ‘reboot business and the world’.