Design Thinking Tools >

Empathy Maps


  • Collaborative tool that teams can use to gain a deeper insight into their customers.
  • Represents a group of users
  • Based on qualitative data collected from the field


  • Distill and categorize knowledge of the user into one place
  • Create a shared understanding of user needs

When to use

  • Post Observation
  • Post feedback analysis


What you need

Large flipchart / Whiteboard/ Print of Empathy Map (Download print-ready canvas)
Post its / Markers / Sharpies
Proto persona

Time needed

1 – 2 hours per persona

Number of people

1 facilitator
4 – 6 team members per persona


  1. Draw / paste the empathy map
  2. Put the selected persona – in the Centre
  3. Facilitator starts with high level brief on the one proto persona selected
  4. Other team members – start using the post its (1 thought per post it) – to start to paste in the relevant sections
  5. Understand the beliefs and emotions
  6. Ask each other questions to clarify as required
  7. Once the above quadrants are done – review and move to Pain and gain
  8. Write pain and gain relevant to the problem statement
  9. Pain and gain are insights, ask questions
  10. Review the map


  1. You may struggle the first time, don’t worry go on


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