Empathy Maps
- Collaborative tool that teams can use to gain a deeper insight into their customers.
- Represents a group of users
- Based on qualitative data collected from the field
- Distill and categorize knowledge of the user into one place
- Create a shared understanding of user needs
When to use
- Post Observation
- Post feedback analysis
What you need
Large flipchart / Whiteboard/ Print of Empathy Map (Download print-ready canvas)
Post its / Markers / Sharpies
Proto persona
Time needed
1 – 2 hours per persona
Number of people
1 facilitator
4 – 6 team members per persona
- Draw / paste the empathy map
- Put the selected persona – in the Centre
- Facilitator starts with high level brief on the one proto persona selected
- Other team members – start using the post its (1 thought per post it) – to start to paste in the relevant sections
- Understand the beliefs and emotions
- Ask each other questions to clarify as required
- Once the above quadrants are done – review and move to Pain and gain
- Write pain and gain relevant to the problem statement
- Pain and gain are insights, ask questions
- Review the map
- You may struggle the first time, don’t worry go on